Another View of the Mill

Vemmingbund Sunrise - DANMARK


Fynshav 011

Fynshav 007

Fynshav 003

Colorful Ocean Sunset

One Misty Morning

Fynshav 006

Sønderborg - Bay / Harbour

Autumn in Denmark (1)

Distort The view


View From one of the Redoubts

Sea Sunset

Just another sunrise...


Window with a view

Beach covered in Snow

Sunset in Sønderby, Als, Denmark, in 1960

Winter Sunset

Holnis 002

Seebrücke Neukirchen

Der Rückweg

Ghost cat

Segelboot [explored]

Fallen tree in Sønderborg beach

Hay harvest in Sønderby, Als, Denmark, in 1960

Steilküste Holnis Kliff

Ocean Sunset

Høruphav 010

Stevningnor 024

Stevningnor 017

Farm land

Broager Land 002

Arnkil 005