Kees Motor Company

Good Service... a few decades ago

This is a for real shadow on my neighbor's house, viewed from my back yard. The shadow actually goes around a 90 degree corner of the house. #Xfile

Ditch View

@rokuplayer remote, dog paw, Beretta - a macro view of 'a day in the life' - pictured, Petey Rex - currently watching the entire Seinfeld series on @hulu via Roku streaming player with Petey & Shadoe - the ladies, Jennie & Pennie are lounging on the blank

It only took me 22 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes, binge-viewing all 235 episodes. (And now I can see myself in Ross, too.) What a rollercoaster ride these past three weeks have been!! "Friends" was one of the television greats that I 'missed' while working a

It only took me 22 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes, binge-viewing all 235 episodes. (And now I can see myself in Ross, too.) What a rollercoaster ride these past three weeks have been!! "Friends" was one of the television greats that I 'missed' while working a



No water in the water tower

East Fork

Go With The Flow




Halbert Heights Branch

Halbert Heights Branch

landscaping around the oak tree roots in front of Edenbrook townhomes - one of the landmarks on my 4.24 mile power-walking route..