150th avenue

Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) (sp. # 167)

Common Starling / European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (adult) (sp. # 201)

White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) (sp. # 186)

Vivid Whispers

Bushtit / American Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus) (sp. # 182)

Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

suburbian trails

highway 580 / 680 exchange

Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, Pleasanton, California, USA

Super Moon, November 14th, Oakland, California, USA

Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, Pleasanton, California, USA

Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, Pleasanton, California, USA

dublin / pleasanton interchange panorama

Crystallizer beds

Black-crowned Night Heron

Empty seats at the stadium

Air and water, charging on!

Mum’s Watchful Eye

Just Hangin Out

exchanging one for another

Lake Chabot

rain and sun alternating

While the Hills are Green!

Lake Chabot

Lake Chabot

Garin Regional Park

Coyoto Hils Marsh No3

Meditating mind under a tree

Least Sandpiper

Black Phoebe

Vargas Plateau

Garin Park

Onwards and Upwards in the New Year!

Coyote Hills park, in Fremont California.

Meditation with out-of-body experience

Field of Yellow

Hayward Regional Shoreline

Lake Chabot

Dry lake bed (California's drought)

Poppies, Lupines and Rocks