Milky Way Over Cumberland, Kentucky

Design in Brick

Benham United Methodist Church 2

That's county road 160 way down there

US Steel S2 102

Benham United Methodist Church 1

It seems to be nothing but wilderness

The Cumberland Plateau

After that steep climb we arrived at the park's visitor's center & we rewarded with a spectacular view

I wish I had a UV filter on the lens

The trees were starting to turn

The topographical maps I looked at this area said this is Black Mountain

Benham United Methodist Church 5

Benham United Methodist Church 4

I got as close to the edge as I could to get this one

I can imagine how beautiful these trees were in the last couple of weeks with all the autumn colors

A video panorama of the view from the Creech Overlook

Benham United Methodist Church 3

Coal and Underclay

Looking up the valley

Teresa & Donna enjoying the view

Roaring Fork Stream

A closer view

Roaring Fork

Kingdom Come Sunset

Under The Canopy

Roaring Fork

Little Stone Mountain, Appalachia, VA

Mountain Mists

Kingdome Come State Park

Roaring Fork Trail

Hiking in the rain, almost there