✕ Always do what you are afraid to do ✕

The reward

▲△ Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you'll be able to see farther △▲

9 Million!

Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier

Troll forest II

Runnin´ water at Veen I

Who`s that lurking up there..?

Freezing Tree...

Farms from the past 2

Lamb season

Into the woods

Into the woods

Terland klopp - Terland stone slab bridge (IR)

Runnin´ water at Veen II

Misty river


The road home

Highland cattle

❆ Hidden river ❆

SI Veteranene 2015 Brusaknuten

✺ How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun ✺


SI Veteranene 2015 Ulvarudlå

SI Veteranene 2015 Brusaknuten

⋯ Old places have soul ⋯