Wood Duck (Male)

Deep Thoughts

The Infamous Tornado Photo [08.14.12]

A view of Uniountown Rd. Carroll Co., MD.

MMID 304 on UBEG, Westminster, MD

Aye, Eye!

Happy President's Day

"To those resting between the Lakes"

Giant Resin Bee (Megachile sculpturalis) - Oak Meadow Farm, Reisterstown, Baltimore County, MD - 16 July 2014

One Down

Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) - Oak Meadow Farm, Reisterstown, Baltimore Cty, MD - 16 July 2014

White Christmas

Glyndon Station

The Summoning

View from my #office #snowday #backyard

New Windsor Sunrise

After the storm.

old farmhouse

Country Views

Willow Silhouette 2

Livin' in the Country

Sunset over Cornfield

Fall Colors on Red Run Stream Valley Trail, Owing Mills, Maryland (USA) - Nov 2015

Slime On The Move

Digital Straw Bales

the straight and narrow

MMID SD40-2-3451 W/B UBEG at Avondale, MD.

"Rainy Days and Monday's ----"

Forest Path

Soldier's Delight / Landscape 15

Horses Grazing Under Big Sky


A Snowy Afternoon

The great new technology!

Baugher’s Orchards and Farms, Westminster, Maryland (USA) - June 2015

Summer of '14

Stalking the Crew

Walking through #finksburg

Fields of Green

EPIC ENDING TO AN EPIC DAY!!! #arcadiademolitionderby w/ @lopophoto @yoyojosh & @dana_bee

High Grass at Sunset [06.28.12]

Ides of March