Explosions of Light

Revolution x3

teeny tiny

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds!

Bridging the gap

Santana Row

Golden View

The hidden beauty of a colorful Fall...

Least Sandpiper

SNY Engine 45

The Bridge

Stop. Look. Enjoy.

Panoramic View From A Perfect View Point...

Is this the world we created...?

The great gig in the sky

Mary Avenue Bridge

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named lives in a mansion high above a sea of lava

An expresso and a cognac please!

Stuck in the past

after the incursion

The geisha left already

Somewhere in heaven

Searching Under Moon

Tree 2

iPhoneography #84

The Edge

Vasona Lake

The Beamer

The blue lake

San Jose Sky Trails

Alviso, San Jose, CA

Weaver Road

Tree Elder

Alviso, San Jose, CA

into the Sunset

San Jose Sunset

CayoteCreekReservoir #1 ~~

My Favorite Tree

Door of opportunities :)

CayoteCreekReservoir #2 ~~