Shine on...
Flooded with light...
Mountain eden
A heavenly light...
Above and beyond
Panorama photo no. 28 - Moldavia, Lake Bicaz (Lake Izvorul Muntelui)
"It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this." Bertrand Russell
You and me
Standing tall
Nokia Lumia 1020 panorama
railway bridge
Lacul Izvorul Muntelui - Panorama
Ruginesti - Romania
Ceahlău Massif - Romania
Ceahlau from Izvorul Muntelui - Romania
Nokia Lumia 1020 - HDR mode
Izvorul Muntelui Lake - Romania
Winter burden
A moonlit winter night in Ceahlau massif
waterfall Neamt - Romania
Nokia Lumia 1020_Panorama
Morning theatre
Carpathian Dusk
Neamt - Romania