Mark at Cedar Creek

The S-XP

Chris getting more miles

Wood Duck Box


outer banks

South River


What a wonderful world. Or maybe I have a problem. #wafflehouse @wafflehouseofficial #FayettevilleNC

The Justice League of breakfast. #wonderwoman #batgirl

Tabor United Methodist Church

12-04-16 #1

Going for Two

Head Lineswoman

Lakewood Scoreboard

Lights! Camera! Action!

At the snap

Cape Fear Scoreboard

Cape Fear vs Triton

Concession Stand

Football Field at Cape Fear

A Tree Grows Through It


Hoop 13

Sons & Handmaidens of God of the Apostolic Doctrine of Jesus Christ

from @thevapelounge760 - Callin all @tvlsquad_nc and @tvlsquad_dcvamd hope to see you guys there. We're hosting s cloud comp at @9vapor Saturday, March 26th, come join the TVL family and friends! Cloud Comp at 7pm, music & DJ, all day raffles, plenty

The requisite @drinkcheerwine when in #NorthCarolina.

My homework buddies. Because we bad.