Idaho Peak views 5

Idaho Peak views 4

Idaho Peak views 3

Postcard Mountain

slocan10c02 Viewpoint over Slocan Lake, BC 2010

View on Slocan Lake

Microscopic view of a leech. (Fun fact: leeches can have more than 100 annuli, which are the bands seen here).

Alan Valhalla View

Idaho Peak BC view

Slocan Lake

Microscopic view of a mayfly larva.

Sandon, British Columbia

Slocum Lake, British Columbia

2017-04-30 15-32-59

We hiked down to Wilson Creek Falls in Goat Range Provincial Park - so pretty!!

2017-04-30 15-33-40

Another shot of jordan

The notch is up there

Exploring historic mining trails of Sandon BC

you can't get sick of this

the great hall is up here

Road Trip to Nelson-30

Martha keeps on truckin

The first pitch up to the upper lake

Road Trip to Nelson-28

Trey, yeah, he bad

Slocan Lake (HDR)

Road Trip to Nelson-27

West Koots

Whitebark pine experiment takes aim at blister rust