Pike's Peak and the USAF Thunderbirds

Purple Thistle - Orton

late july15 2017 se view (36 of 1)

USAF Thunderbirds knife edge turn over the 2014 Air Force Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds perform at the 2014 Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

USAF Thunderbirds perform a Calypso Pass over the Class of 2014 USAF Academy Graduation

USAF Thunderbirds pass Head-to-Head (2014 Academy Graduation Ceremony)

Pikes Peak

An Icy Colorado Mining Museum

A bench w a view along the trails...

USAF Thunderbirds at the 2014 Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

Thunderbirds 2753

Bird house with a view..,.

Panoramic view of the Black Forest Fire

Black Forest in the Morning

Gleneagle with a Pike's Peak view...

USAF Thunderbirds perpendicular pass over Falcon Stadium

point of view

Thanksgiving 2008 049

Pike's Peak view

Feet WIP 5 -Charizard

Icy Winter Cottonwoods

Let the Show Begin

BNSF 7640 Monument 24 Jul 18

Snow on the Mountain

BNSF 1684 USAFA 1 Jan 18

Thunderbird 5 - Chapel Pass

UP 4645 Monument 29 Jul 18

BNSF 9148 USAFA 29 Dec 18

Yucca Seed Pods

BNSF 8798 USAFA 18 Dec 17

BNSF 8419 USAFA 14 Jan 19

eastonville3 (36 of 1)

late july15 2017 doubleeagle (36 of 1)

Storm Approaching

PikesPeakMay302017.2 (36 of 1)

No dog Pikes (36 of 1)

Sunrise Moon

Memorial Hospital Helicopter Pad


plains clouds 4 (36 of 1)