Arching Galaxy

Sagittarius Panorama

The little HyVee fox

Have a Seat

A Tree with a View 10012012

The 567 Prime Mover

2003 Sportster

Dunfermline, Illinois 61524

Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Chris Arrives

Chautauqua Lightning Time Lapse

Up in the Cab

Title Slide

Robber Fly (Efferia sp?) with prey Tree Hopper (Smilia fasciata) R1400 Sand Ridge SP, IL PFN

Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Electric Lake

Chautauqua Flash

Greater White-fronted Goose at Rice Lake State Conservation Area

Juvenile Bald Eagle at Rice Lake State Conservation Area

Juvenile Bald Eagle at Rice Lake State Conservation Area - No 2

Goldenrod Milky Way

Rise of a Galaxy

Darkness at Noon

Sand Ridge Prairie

Flood and Strike

Wind Chill Warning

Dawn Approaches

Milkweed Sunset

Morning Star

Midnight Meteor

Snow Lines

Possibility #1: Penelope at Banner Marsh 05112013

Corny Sunset

Straight from the Source

ABA Profile

Evil Face 10042014

Golden Breeze

_MG_7442- Trees Removed for New Pump Channel

Chautauqua Sunset

Crooked Bench
