The dramatic sky...

প্রত্যাশা - the expectation

The messenger...

Over out there by the horizon

The king without territory (রাজ্যহীন রাজা)...

Foring -3 [Dragon Fly ]

Wish You all a Happy Eid Mubarak-2010/2011/2012

Bangladesh VI

The last few moments of beauty..

Untitled (FP)

Bangladesh I

কাঁদতে আসিনি, ফাঁসির দাবি নিয়ে এসেছি...

Jamuna Multi Purpose Bridge [Featured at Fifty Plus Group in mar 2011 ]


The Last Cruise..

The rebirth...

the ray of life

Somewhere I want to go back..

Quite a feast..

The blank sight...

Blue !!!! [Enjoy Music " Neela Aasman So Gaya"]

Cholo mati bijoy er ullash e...

A Dreamy Village

'..একা মোর গানের তরী ভাসিয়েছিলাম নয়ন জলে..' ~sunrise - morning raga~ [Front Page Explore]

Entrance of Ceramic Hill & Green Water Lake

Standing alone my senses reeled

The Beginning Of the End

The beautiful battleground

Boatman in Shomeshori River

a smile to refresh your day... [ FP EXPLORE!! best position # 29]

Beautiful Bangladesh

'..আরও এক আলো আছে ..'~sunset on Meghna River~ [explored]

Bangladesh: Poems of Nature

Everyday Village Life

The cloud seller...

Its time to go home !

Silent Lucidity

Sea to shore

Lost in nature!

Welcome To The Valley Of Peace !

Ratargul Swamp Forest