Shades of Autumn No. 3

Windmills in the distance

FF91: 99 Bottles/99 Problems

The Valley

Great Falls - Little Falls Scene 3

York Lake, near Southfield, MA - long exposure

Upper Sheffield Covered Bridge - Massachusetts

Bulbet Fern (Cystopteris bulbifera)

Collins Diner; Canaan, CT

Campbell Falls-Norfolk 01-25-2015_0001a

Campbell Falls-Norfolk 01-25-2015_0001

At the top of Dennis Hill in Norfolk, CT, looking towards New Hampshire

Campbell Falls, New Marlborough

Dennis Hill - October 10 2009 - 3

Sheffield Field

Looking north from Miles Mountain.

Rand's View iPhone 6 Plus Panorama

Campbell Falls-Norfolk 01-25-2015_0006

Pellaea atropurpurea (Purple Cliffbrake)

Sun tucks herself in for the night behind Mt. Everett.

Southern View of Lake Triangle Colebrook CT

Flowing Down the Rocks

Winter Inspiration*

On Thin Ice*

Time Changes Everything*

Wheel in the Sky*

Shades of Autumn No. 6

Ghosts of Autumn*

Twilight's First Gleaming*

Wisdom of a Rock*

Slumber No More*

Shades of Autumn No. 1

Ice-covered trees along the river banks

Endless Dreams

Shades of Autumn No. 4

Shades of Autumn No. 7

Winter's Glow

Edge of Winter

Shades of Autumn No. 5

The Seen and Unseen

Peace in the Valley*

Calm My Soul*