Windmills in the distance

FF91: 99 Bottles/99 Problems

country road

Bulbet Fern (Cystopteris bulbifera)

Sheffield Field

Fiesta Bar and Grill - Great Barrington

Caddisfly, Leptocerus americanus

Caddisfly, Leptocerus americanus

Large caddisfly (Triaenodes?)

Sun tucks herself in for the night behind Mt. Everett.

Pellaea atropurpurea (Purple Cliffbrake)

Large caddisfly (Triaenodes?)

114x Glyphidocera cf. lithodoxa

12xx Coleophora sp.

Steadman Pond in Early Spring

Camp Window in Autumn

York Lake, near Southfield, MA - long exposure

Main Street - Great Barrington

Main Street - Great Barrington

Main Street - Great Barrington

View from the Tower

Campbell Falls - Half Mass, Half Conn

Flowing Down the Rocks

Lower Spectacle Pond

Upper Campbell Falls

Apple Orchard - Storm Impression

Still Frozen!!!

Mount Everett

Autumn at Steadman Pond

Campbell Falls

Campbell Falls

Girl and Candy Shop - Great Barrington

Spring in Connecticut

Upper Campbell Falls

Forest Sunrise

Leading the way.

man made stream

Race Brook Falls


Down to the river