at a gloomy day

Winter Dream

at the opposite shore

Rainbow of Concrete #3

Rainbow of Concrete

View from Hanstein Castle ruin / Blick von der Burgruine Hanstein

Vantage point 'Devil's Pulpit', Thuringia, Germany / Aussichtspunkt Teufelskanzel

Blick ins Endlose|View into infinity

Collage Hanstein Castle, Thuringia, Germany / Burgruine Hanstein, Thüringen

Solstice focus

08 Iso area SP 12 backlit close view

Improved QRSTUVWXYZ Planar, Close View

Max Planck

my h(e)aven

Rainbow of Concrete #2

A Bloody Line of the Past


the tree - mon ami

Lichen with twin spire / Flechte mit Zwillings-Kirchturm

Where are the three Churches ?

Opposites attract

Cloudy May

Summer Breeze

Watching the Onlooker

Patchwork Family

Another day goes by

Road to nowhere

to other shores

Shades of grey

(C)old Time


Magic Autumn

Botanischer Garten in Herbst

fill my head with leaves

DSC03223-24 Südliche Feldmark bei Niedernjesa