Green Summer Landscape - Black Forest, Germany

Feldberg View

Schauinslandbahn - Schwarzwald

Schauinsland - Kite Spot - Drachenflugplatz

Waterfall of Todtnau

Wandering about the city (3)

cloud mountain

The same procedure as every year...

laughing teen girls

20141030-Canon EOS 6D-5634

time to go

Belchen 1-1

The Red House (HDR)

Blauen 2-1

mist in the morning

Belchen 3-1

Sunset in Freiburg

Belchen 2-1

Blauen 1-1

Portrait of a gentleman

take a seat!

Bad Krozingen - sunrise

Seepark - Flückigersee

Todtnau - Wasserfall

Blue Cloudy Sundown

Con la esta cayendo....., pues aqui mas

Strohballen - Freiburg Günterstal

Snow-Covered Tree

Black Forest

Sunset Explosion

Winter Landscape

Hänger bei Ehrenkirchen

The fog is coming...

Schauinsland - Hofsgrund

Enchanted Tree

Am Nonnenmattweiher

Farewell Sun

Sunwhisper @ Vineyard´s

Waldsee - Bootsverleih

Lake Sunset