Snow on the ground, Auburn, Placer County, California

Trumpeter Swans--Cygnus buccinator

Trumpeter Swans--Cygnus buccinator

Grotto of the Falls

1999 06-03 1007-1 UP SD40-2-3795 W/B Newcastle, CA

Historic Auburn HDR 4115

Afternoon Reflection 1794

BBQ with an A-10 Warthog

Winter At The Old Church 5621

The Pond 046

Windy Spring Day 6547

Kestrel With Prey

Clementine Dam - California

Clementine Dam - California

Clementine Dam - California

IMG_2729 Inside the 1928 Ford Tri-motor

Aerial Views - Clouds above Auburn

Crystal Moon Rising

American River - Forest Hill, CA

Fox Sparrow

Full Sized Moon and Story 6479

40 Acres and a Mule

Red-shouldered Hawk (immature)--Buteo lineatus

No Hands Bridge

California Looks Appcalyptic 3275

No Hands Bridge

Oak and Fog

Foresthill Bridge

Hidden Falls Regional Park 2016

Deer In Moonlight 0868

Lake Clementine Dam

Clementine Dam - California


Quarry Park Pond 0872


Hidden Falls
