graceful dahlia petals

vivid rose bathing in morning showers

fragrant pinwheel

sunshine poppy

tree mallow

spider lying in wait

spoon-petaled daisy

a brand-new day(lily)

the edge

No Sleep

inverted garden (explored)

staghorn fern

Late Afternoon Palm Tree Landing

abstract Strelitzia

fiery zinnia

daisy love

Venice pier

raindrops on roses

Yobsters Livingston

dahlia in high key

leaping from the flames

the blue lagoon

Last Light

end of the day

Point Vicente Lighthouse HDR

Sun Behind Santa Monica Mtns., Torrance Beach, CA

burned in my memory

Staple's engineering prints aren't too shabby...

Manhattan beach

for Nina

Old Home Week.

From the cliffs

Redondo Beach Pier

Camera Roll-1199

Breakwater at Venice Beach, Ca

Last Surf Of The Day

The Edge

Fall Twilight - Point Vicente Light

Manhattan Beach

Salton Sea_3557