Table for two....

Morning View

Just a view of the pacific

Dancing On Diamonds

The Dream Tree

That Light....Caresses

On the Jetty (9077)

Dana Point Harbor Sunrise - 7466_67_68_69_70_HDR

Oh, what a night!

Take me to the other side.....


Cactus on a Cliff

Laguna Niguel

Sunset view towards Trestles

Hard Turn

San Clemente State Beach Preview...



Barn Owl (2099) in the wild

A White Water Lily

Sun peaks through cloud layers on June gloom evening

Aliso reflect

Fields of gold....

Watching the Waves Roll In

Emerald Isle....

Aliso slow fall

Aliso evolution

san clemente

Morning Arrives at Dana Point

Fickle Fingers of Fog

It must be spring....

Waves are like looking into fire.

Relaxing on the West Coast

Dana Point - 7508

pier into the sunset

san clemente

Aliso blues

Tidepool 91

At San Clemente Beach Trail

Spotlight - 4980

Aliso Beach