Illinois Terminal Station, Union, Illinois

Wind Turbines in Northern Illinois - No. 3

IC/Pennsy Crossing, Midland City, Illinois

Wind Turbines in Northern Illinois - No. 2

Funk's Grove Meadow in the Fall

J.H. Hawes Grain Elevator

Building with bright signage

Train at sunset

Wind Turbines in Northern Illinois - No. 1

2011-02-26 18.04.34

2011-05-29 20.13.52

2011-05-29 20.11.00

2011-05-29 20.13.13

2011-05-29 20.20.03

Lost Starchief (another view)

Funk's Grove Chapel

Red Admiral on Nettle

2011-05-29 20.04.26

2011-05-29 20.04.03

American Kestrel

Prairie railroading

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On the drive to Manistee

Chapel of the Templed Trees

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Storm Scructure

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Many a Storm

Sugar Grove Nature Center

Rundown Barn at Sunset

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ROUTE66_2010_0230 - McLEAN IL

autumn woods in Funks Grove