The bath tub for the elephants of Kodanad

A view of gorge from above, Athirapally waterfalls.

From hill top

Together We Alone

A view from Athirapally waterfalls

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart....!

Athirapilli Waterfalls, Kerala

Athirapilly Waterfalls

athirapalli-with seven colours

Indian Waterfalls

Go Green

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Athirappilly Falls

Athirappily Waterfalls

Vazhachal Falls, Thrissur, Kerala

Charpa Falls, Thrissur, Kerala

Chalakudy river

Water near Konadad

Chalakudy River, Athirappilly, Kerala

Athirappilly Waterfalls

Athirappily Waterfalls

Athirappilly Waterfalls

River Periyar - Kodanad, Kerala

Lone Boatman #boatman #kerala #peringalkuthu_dam #foggymorning #solotravel #solobackpacking #india #indiaclicks #blackandwhite

Athirapally Waterfall

Athiripilly Falls