Aerial view of the slaughter of a bull during the Gada system ceremony in Borana tribe, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Tonsure that indicates the Borana tribe girl is virgin during the Gada system ceremony, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Aerial view of the slaughter of a bull during the Gada system ceremony in Borana tribe, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Tonsure that indicates the Borana tribe girl is virgin during the Gada system ceremony, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Dabale age grade boy during the Gada system ceremony in Borana tribe, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

People sit in a tree during the Gada system ceremony in Borana tribe, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Tonsure that indicates the Borana tribe girl is virgin during the Gada system ceremony, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Borana tribe men with their ororo sticks during the Gada system ceremony, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

People listening to speeches during the Gada system ceremony in Borana tribe, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia

Borana hair decoration that indicates how many children the mothers have, Oromia, Yabelo, Ethiopia