A View Beyond Others

Missouri State Line

Yee Haaw!

you can bank on it

2009-07-20 08.43.01

Yesterday's #sunset

Blytheville Arkansas, Mississippi County AR

Good morning Blytheville!

Motion Industries

Office space

Reach for the Sky

D71_3361 E

#cliffordgoes #home that says #missouri #trustme @cgmusic23 @ajhvibes

eye opener

Bug slayer

Bug slayer

Bug slayer

Bug slayer

Missour-ah. 8 states, 10 days. #latergram #missouri

Our first time driving across #Arkansas #familyreunion2015 #boyertrek

Greyhound Bus Station- Blytheville AR (6)

Greyhound Bus Station- Blytheville AR (1)

Greyhound Bus Station- Blytheville AR (2)

Mississippi County Courthouse- Blytheville AR (3)