Gold for All.

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

Lifer #53

Craning...his Neck

Dragonfly Dreams


Approaching Storm

flea beetle (Tribe: Alticini)

Aldi Neshaminy Square Bensalem PA

New Hope, Pennsylvania

fruit fly (Strauzia)

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)

Just before dawn

snipe fly (Chrysopilus rotundipennis)

365/19 - The Giving Tree

Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

View of the Delaware River from Bowman's Hill Tower

wedge-shaped beetle (Macrosiagon)

a White-throated Gem

Chipping Sparrow

Colorful Block


Up in fog - В туман

At the mercy of winds

Timeless Nature

Sunset at lake Luxembourg

Little Touch.

After The Storm 180º Panorama - 5.15.18

Neshaminy Creek

The Dissolution

After The Storm - 5.15.18


the sunset

Dam on the Neshaminy Creek

Keep The Peace.

Core Creek Park

"The View"

Fall Foliage in Tyler State Park

House Wren

Core Creek Park

A raging Neshaminy Creek