Dragonfly Dreams

Craning...his Neck

a White-throated Gem


IMG_9841 - Carbon & Concrete

syrphid fly (Sphaerophoria contigua)

outer barklouse (Ectopsocus [possibly californicus])

Old York Road Bridge (EXPLORED)

midge (Tribe: Chironomini)

cobweb spider (Theridion)

the Least & the Worm

orbweaver (Araneus cingulatus)

Least Standing Tall

Mirror Mirror on the Wall....

Solitary Sandpiper

Lesser Yellowlegs

Spotted Sandpiper

leafhopper (Subfamily: Typhlocybinae)

orbweaver (Araneus [possibly niveus])

cluster fly (Pollenia [possibly rudis])

Hover Fly Parasite (Diplazon laetatorius)


Sunset at lake Luxembourg

Silence Before the Storm

Smith Pond

TSP Sunset


The Dissolution

waiting for people

Spring blooming is fast approaching

Fall Foliage in Tyler State Park

Dam on the Neshaminy Creek

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

Neshaminy Creek

At the mercy of winds

Timeless Nature

House Wren

Waiting on a Train

Winter Fields

Neshaminy Creek, Pennsylvania

Up in fog - В туман

Core Creek Lake