Museum harbour Bremerhaven (15.000+ views!)

View, Lale has... explore 2014-12-21

Waldlichtung mit Strahlung;...aus der Reihe Strahlung und Wald.


Space Ship Climate "Klimahaus"

old and young / generations

upside ~ downside

desolate playground

behind the dike

signs of spring

Car carrier ship in Bremerhaven

textile dunes


red lights

Der Museumshafen

it gets colder

Atlantic Hotel Sail City - Front View

Planet Bremerhaven

The Spider

Early in the morning he was gone

black ice

I want to sail away. #sun #sunset #sundown

Feldweg bei Geestenseth / Landkreis Cuxhaven

Three arrows

two as all

Sommer, Sonne, hochkant

bye bye for some days

...aus der Reihe Strahlung und Wald.

weather front

today at the sea

Hof bei Sellstedt

Sunset Bremerhaven

Sunset thru the porthole

Promenade #Bhv #Weser