Colorado River - Needles, California

Leaving California

BNSF 4344, Needles (CA) 27.5.2014

Crossing the Colorado River

Cattle Egrets at Havasu NWR--Pintail Slough/North Dike, Mohave, AZ on Mar 12, 2013

Locomotion - Needles, CA USA

Gravel Pit Motel

Morning in America

View toward Havasu NWR

Needles, CA

The view

Swainson's Hawk at Havasu NWR--South Dike, Mohave, AZ on Apr 17, 2012

There was variety...

Topock Gorge



Colorado River - Again

Eastbound BNSF Vehicle train at Topock AZ, 3-18-18

US - Needles, CA - C44-9W 4101

Route 66 and railroad bridges into California

#There is a tonic strength, in the hour of sorrow and affliction, in escaping from the world and society and getting back to the simple duties and interests we have slighted and forgotten. Our world grows smaller, but it grows dearer and greater. Simple t

68 Topock Dock

BNSF 9014 west Intermodal, Park Moabi CA 05.10.2018

ATSF 227 East Approaching Topock

BNSF 5472 west Park Moabi CA 16.10.217

Needles 1

BNSF 5757 west Manifest, Park Moabi California 02.03.2016

BNSF 3834 east Park Moabi 06.10.2017

BNSF 3931 west Intermodal, Park Moabi CA 05.10.2018

BNSF 8140 west Intermodal, Park Moabi CA 11.10.2018

BNSF 7110 west Park Moabi CA 06.10.2017

US - Needles - C44-9W

The Needles

BNSF 7887

colorado river

Colorado River Sunset

Spot the burro. Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona