Panoramic view from our window in Hotel Soafytel, Antsirabe

Street view from our window in Hotel Soafytel, Antsirabe

Street view from our window in Hotel Soafytel, Antsirabe

Wonderful view over the hot springs and the town from the Hôtel des Thermes, Antsirabe, Madagascar

A view from Faravohitra ("The Last Hill") in Antsirabe, Madagascar

Madagascar, Andsirabe : rizières en terrasses

Pêche sur lac

Et hop!

La lessive

Lygodactylus sp.

On the road

Campagne proche d'Antsirabe

On the road

L'orage arrive

On the road

Harvested corn hanging from the balcony to dry as seed for next season and to keep away from animals such as chicken, Andranomanelatra, Madagascar

Mad Morning

Mad Morning

Mad Morning

Sombre lac

Lac et conifères


Fin d'après-midi à Antsirabe

Zébu des villes
