under view

Bancroft White Barns - View 2

Steph and the Sky


duck in linden

Byron Terrace Apartments

old Grand River barn

old Grand River barn

hay are we there yet



Linden XC Course_065_2nd Loop

Always an empty seat somewhere.

2009-06-13 20:31:55 -0400

Lobdell marsh (sunny day)

Day 2.

Linden XC Course_015_1st Loop

Greener Pastures

Byron Millpond Dam

single tail tiger

Here Here We Go!!

Byron Millpond Dam


Linden XC Course_018_1st Loop

2009-05-25 19:19:02 -0400

PM 1225 - Howell Twp, Michigan

2010 Region 17-2_608_10-30-10

A Lucky Day

GLC OSTN South Of Byron, MI.