Rolison Hardware

Today's view from "Bloody Max" bench

Side View Howell Carnegie District Library

Blue Barn

Things are looking up...

I-96 - Full Moon ~ Less One Day

Color Changes Everything

Waiting for the parade

under view

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

George Romney

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

February Crescent Moon

wide entry hall.jpg

Our view of the screen. Elijah liked to hop from Brian to Mary's lap several times throughout the movie. Avery started off liking the chair, but settled in laying down in front an eventually falling asleep.

Photo-A-Day #251: A Fall Scene

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

Kristin & Randy Green Wedding Ceremony - July 29th 2011

Misty Morning on the fenceline

purple Iris

Great morning, All!

Dickerson Flyout 09 068

It gleams, it shines

Corral Caucus

The open road

HDR East Backyard

HDR Back Field -6

HDR Early Morning at Home-4

Northern Lights-1

Another awesome morning

Today's morning dog walk

At the lake.


Sunset ~ Big Crooked Lake ~ 34/52

Sun King ~ Abbey Road ~ The Beatles ~ 3/52

The storm is coming...

Huron Meadows Metro Park
