Mount Falcon Open Space area.jpg

Just Beyond My View

forest edge

filtered light

road to gold

745: Evergreen Autumn Leaves

no name

pine left

a former glory

28: Thumper on a warm Saturday Afternoon

840: Evergreen Lake Cabin

792: Walking to Grandma's house...

848: Thumper, Still in Control

834: Skate the Lake - Evergreen CO

393: Christmas Eve Play

747: Thumper and Rascal

The view from the trailhead

746: Thumper Standing Proud

841: Thumper 2013

636: Watch out for the Rocks!

Stellker's Jay




Bee On Oxeye Daisy

Forest Pond

Beaver Pond

the forest

Mount Evans

Pouncey two balls

Aspen Shadows

From Legault Mountain

From Legault Mountain

Lake Summit

Blue and Gold

folding up reality

Aspens 19, Colorado

David & Jackie-218