President Andrew Johnson Gravesite

Greene County, TN Courthouse - Greeneville, TN

Feild View

Foggy View.

Gilley's Hotel - Bull's Gap, TN

Andrew Johnson Homestead (alt view) - Greeneville, TN

President Andrew Johnson Gravesite 2

President Andrew Johnson Gravesite 5

President Andrew Johnson Gravesite 4: Constitution & Bible

Old Harmony, Greeneville, TN

President Andrew Johnson Gravesite 3: B&W

View from cemetary

More views of interior

A wide view of marked graves, mostly infants, on Cemetery Ridge.

Greeneville, TN General Morgan Monument

Viewing Anderson County's propane truck

I liked this view of the #AndrewJohnson #nationalcemetery since you can see the #monument at the top of the hill. #grave #Greeneville #Tennessee #history

NS 165 at Mohawk, TN heading West and slowing down to make their stop at Bulls Gap, TN.

Roaring Springs

NS 165 picking up the rest of their cars in Bulls Gap, TN this evening.

NS 16t east bound by Mohawk on the NS A line.

NS 165 clear Mohawk, TN with NS 8104 second out.

NS 8104 on NS 165 at Bulls Gap, TN.

NS 7206 on NS 162 at Bulls Gap, TN

Runnin' down a dream... and I'm so close to catchin' it. #cacamericorps

Greeneville's Big Spring


Reflections of the way life used to be

Tennessee Landscape

Hello ... ;-)

2014-11-04 14.34.01

2014-11-04 14.27.12


2014-11-04 14.25.29


Midway Pastoral

