Shoreline Drive

Millennium Force

In God We Trust

Bay View 7-6-08 014

Sandusky Bay Morning

Bay View 7-6-08 002

Marblehead Lighthouse Park

The Orange Line

NS 16G - Bay View, Ohio

Bay View 7-4-08 017

Pressure on the Way

Red and White under Blue

Least Bittern

2018-03-20 Day 79/365

Lonely Tree

Magnolia Warbler - Magee Marsh, Ohio --May 2009

2011-02-15 Day 46/365

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

There's a Moon out tonight

Marblehead, Ohio....6O3A2697A

2017-04-28 Day 118/365

2018-02-02 Day 33/365



Marblehead Lighthouse

Good morning everyone! It's going to be a another #sunnyday! Nice picture of the #SanduskyBayChannel and #CedarPoint in the distant #horizon. I was looking at this on a #morningwalk through town. Had to start a #new, #awesome, and #productive day with a l

Green Plant


Sea gull flying into the sunset

Lake Erie Vacation No. 1, Port Clinton, OH, September, 2012

Sunset over South Bass

Catawba Island

Lake Erie

Marblehead Lighthouse

Marblehead Lighhouse

Marblehead Sunrise.

You sure can't beat living by the #water in #July! There's so much #beautiful #scenery and #thingstodo around #lakeerie and it's #islands!! #summertime #lifeisgreat

Lake Erie Sunset

Cedar Point