Shoreline Drive

Millennium Force

In God We Trust

Bay View 7-6-08 014

Sandusky Bay Morning

Bay View 7-6-08 002

Marblehead Lighthouse Park

The Orange Line

NS 16G - Bay View, Ohio

Bay View 7-4-08 017

Pressure on the Way

Red and White under Blue

Put-In-Bay 4th of July Fireworks (2013)

Least Bittern

2018-03-20 Day 79/365

Lonely Tree

2011-02-15 Day 46/365

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

There's a Moon out tonight

Marblehead, Ohio....6O3A2697A

2017-04-28 Day 118/365

Green Plant

Pier at Night

Church Parking Lot

Lake Erie Rain

Marblehead Lighthouse

Cedar Point

Lake Erie Sunset

Cedar Point

If you haven't noticed by now..I'm not a huge fan of photographing in cold weather...so here is a Lake Erie view from warmer times! Have a wonderful Friday and a safe St. Patrick's Day!

Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio

Port Clinton Lighthouse

Lake Erie

Catawba Island



Marblehead Lighthouse

Good morning everyone! It's going to be a another #sunnyday! Nice picture of the #SanduskyBayChannel and #CedarPoint in the distant #horizon. I was looking at this on a #morningwalk through town. Had to start a #new, #awesome, and #productive day with a l


Marblehead Lighthouse

Lake Erie Vacation No. 1, Port Clinton, OH, September, 2012