Surfs Up!!!!

As Above So Below

Brown Pelican ~~~

Our San Diego 2010 Commute

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

Sunday Morning @ San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California

San Diego Skyline II

La Jolla, California

The Wild Blue Yonder

Geisel Library

On Display

Here is to New Beginnings in 2015! Happy New Year My Flickr Friends!

View from San Diego Water Front park

California Scrub Jay: once it was Western SJ

The Chute

It is all Smooth Sailing in San Diego, California

H.M.S. Surprise

The New Flickr Format Sucks! Is this a Sign of Things to Come?

Sunset Cliffs Sea Cave, San Diego

San Diego at Night

Drop It And Run

La Jolla Sunset

The Potholes

Scripps Pier

Windansea Nightscape

C h a s m s

San Diego Coast

Close to the edge

Morning Commute

Rocky Point panorama, La Jolla, California

Inspiration Point

Moon Landing

Pacific Beach Pier, San Diego

...find the bike

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

La Jolla Shores

Luci sull'oceano

A Year Ago Today

Sunset Cliffs

Sitting at the Top of The Bay :: HDR