Who will be Queen of the Mountain?

Bay Windows

Irish Priest House, color study

Irish Priest House

Nelson Homestead

I was in Oregon somewhere

Farm Truck Beauty

Operated by the Portland Police

Sunday morning view

Rusty Truck # 2

The Dalles 21

Fairfield Homestead - The Dalles 9

Pump House - The Dalles 17

Destination 1 - The Dalles 7

Abandoned Yet Not Forgotten

Old West

Abandoned House

Wheat fields south of The Dalles

Grain Elevator & Barn

Fairfield Homestead

* Old West House

Big Wide Open-0391

The east side of Mt. Hood

Big Wide Open-0400

Japanese Hollow Schoolhouse

Looking north Sunday morning

Good Morning Mt Hood

sunset/ioof cemetery - the dalles, or

Cloud Patterns Over Wasco County

Lower Eight Mile School - 1904 (3)

Higher Ground

webb-harvey cemetery