Rusty Car among Flowers. (Columbia Hills, WA)

Columbia River, Dallesport, Washington

American Empress

Oh Boyd!

Rice n' Grain

The Columbia Gorge from SR 14, Washington

Full moon sets over The Dalles and Mt Hood in early morning light

Sunrise illuminates Mt. Hood and the setting full moon over The Dalles

Afloat at the edge

Seven Mile Hill

Warbonnets on the Q

Mount Hood

Mt. Hood towers over The Dalles

Who will be Queen of the Mountain?

From sunrise to full moonset at The Dalles

Scenic View

Triptych of Gifford's Photo Studio

Autumn climb to Rowena Crest

Is the Columbia River National Scenic Area still scenic?

Morning view to Mt Hood.K3II1566

R.I.P. Abandoned House

Abandoned Car at Sunrise (Dalles Mountain Ranch Park, WA)

BNSF 9230 + 8174, Avery - North Dalles (Washington, USA)

BNSF 4177 + 7186 + 5220, North Dalles - Avery (Washington, USA)

Climbing The Grade At Moody

BNSF 8222+5346+1658+1794, The Dalles (USA), 3.10.2017

Sunset Silhouette of Mt. Hood

BNSF 8104 + 6901 + 7336 + 7013 + 6557, Avery, Washington, USA, 26.09.2017

Columbia River Commerce and Color

Farm Face

Waldron Brothers Drugstore

Abandoned Yet Not Forgotten

Rosy sunrise on Washington's Cascades

The Lay of the land, Rt 197 Near The Dalles, Oregon

Rusty Car on Blooming Hill ( Dalles Mountain Ranch Park, WA)

Rowena Bloom

BNSF Train, Approaching Lyle, WA