

Night Rain


just another Fall day

Ice in Louisiana...

One of Those Black and White Mornings...

A Winter Coat

Eumorpha Fasciata (BlockHead!)

Squirrels' View

Bad Feelings...

Western Cottonmouth _Agkistrodon_piscivorus_leucostoma

Week 26-52 Hidden Object Puttknob Photography MCP Project 52

Denham Springs, LA

Denham Springs, LA

The Perfectly Disguised 'Post Fish' Taking the Bait...

Magnolia Bridge

Swamp Sparrow

greetings from Louisiana

Barn Yard

Don't Breathe the Yellow Fog...

All in a Fog

Burning Through the Fog

Storms move in again!

fire in the mist

When it rains, it Pours!!!

Sunrise 11/9/13

play misty for me...

That Winter Feeling....

foggy autumn morning

Here and There...

season change in Louisiana

horse pond_2

Sunrise 11/10/13

early morning mist

moonset on Blackwater Road


one half-hour later...

River Birch in the Fog