The Forest Ends Where the Sea Begins

Bee Hive, Acadia National Park

Somes Pond on Mount Desert Island

Afternoon Reflections

Eagle Lake, Acadia National Park

Winter at Otter Cliffs

Bar Harbor, Maine

Great Head Trail, Acadia National Park HDR

right at the edge of quiet

Dorr Mountain Trail & Emery Path, Acadia National Park, Maine

View from Cadillac Mountain

Jordan Pond and the "Bubbles"

Autumn In Acadia

Acadia NP panoramic

Acadia Coastline

The view west

Acadian Autumn

Eagle Lake, Acadia National Park

Acadia National Park, Maine

Cadillac Mountain Sunrise

Frenchman Bay Traffic

Otter Cliffs sunrise

Lonely Planet

Jordon Pond, Acadia National Park

A Sprinkle of Autumn

Schoodic Shoreline Study 1

Acadia Evening

Wind at Eagle Lake

Bring on the Night

The Bubbles

Acadia with full colors

Cadillac Mountain

A calm morning on Bubble Pond

Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park HDR

Broken Waters

Northeast Harbor, ME

Sea Glass Green Waves

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park
