A view of Ierusalem

ramparts walk

Old Jerusalem wall

View from Mt. Scopus.

Mahane Yehuda Market

Moody (Full frame).

Turists in Jerusalem

Dome of the Rock east view, Temple Mount of Jerusalem

Dome of the Rock west view, Jerusalem Temple Mount

Old City Latin Quarter viewed from Tower of David in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock viewed from Bell Tower of Church of the Redeemer in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Sunset of the Old City viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Dome of the Rock viewed from Mount of Olives at dusk - Jerusalem Israel

Sunset over Jerusalem viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock viewed from Tower of David in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Sunset of the Old City viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

Dome of the Rock viewed from Tower of David in Old City of Jerusalem Israel

Old City viewed from Mount of Olives at Night - Jerusalem Israel

Old City viewed from Mount of Olives - Jerusalem Israel

L'enfer, c'est les autres ("hell is other people.")

Jaffa & Jerusalem Railway - J&J 2-6-0 steam locomotive (Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1890) and passenger train in Jerusalem station (glass slide)

Jerusalem, "Schöner Wohnen"

Tomb of Zachariah, Cave of the Sons of Hezir; Mt of Olives ancient cementary

Two of us going nowhere

Old City Walls

View of Arab Neighborhood from Old City, Jerusalem, Israel

Mt Olive cemetery

There is a green hill far away

Dome of the Rock

Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Dome of the Rock

Qubbat al-Ṣakhrā'

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Jerusalén desde el Monte de los Olivos

Gethsemane Gardens behind the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Fort Antonius and Temple Mount, Jerusalem

The Mount of Olives and Al Aqsa

Israel - Old David's City

Goodbyes are hard

Religious Hotspot

Snowy Night in Jerusalem