SE - Abisko Turist - Dm3 1220

Abisko 2018


SE - Björkliden, Torneträsk

Midnight Flare-Up

alpha 65 - Laponie

Altastjarro Sunset

Moose On Ice

Aurora View Point

Gorsavággi - Kårsavagge

Aurora Above Nuolja

Above Rakkasjohka

Sweden - Torneträsk

Skiing at Björkliden

Meditatieplaats - Meditation place

Torneträsk at Midnight from Nuolja

As usually when it started it looked like they have an aurora machine on the mountain.

The runner.

Yellow light.

The swan.

As usually when it started it looked like they have an aurora machine on the mountain.

Tornehamn Kyrkogård

SE - Stordalen - El16 2214

SE - Tornehamn - Dm3

IORE at Solbakken

Björkliden, MTAB Dm 976 / Dm3 977 / Dm 978


SE - Tornehamn - Rm Tripel

Carved by water

Berk - Birch

Nuolja Star Trails

Waterval - Waterfall


midday twilight at Torneträsk

Sweden - North of the Arctic Circle - Lappland under fresh cover of snow during winter time - Aurora borealis - Northern light

Lapporten fr skidspåret /The pass Lapporten in the Swedish mountains

Red Aurora (Sunrise).

Abisko midnight sun

Zonsopkomst - Sunrise

Blue Hour - Abiskojokka

Express Train.