Old school Homewood

Labrador Olympics

Bridgeview 415

2011-04-05 11.05.40

Remember Them

i saw this view and thought of you

Palos Heights City Administration Center, Palos Heights

2011-06-12 11.14.23

2011-04-26 18.46.09

Stella D'oro Day Lilly

2011-09-25 15.28.15

2011-09-25 15.27.41

2011-05-21 19.34.29

Two Million

Lonely beams

2011-04-26 18.45.55

SOU 9177 Front View

2011-06-12 11.13.37

2011-06-05 13.21.58

Action at the Homewood Viewing Platform

Water Reclamation

Ye Olde Prairie

saganashkee slough. may 2014

maple lake. october 2014

harry bus yourell water aeration plant. december 2014

Orland Grasslands

little red schoolhouse. june 6th 2014

Sister Trees

maple lake. november 2013

turtlehead lake. march 2014

Much Soon

lake katherine. december 2014

lake katheine. may 2014

Evening walk in the woods

maple lake. october 2014

Above the Crowd

turtlehead lake. may 2014

how soon is now?

Walking through the woods

Late Winter Scouting

lake katherine. june 2014

Wildlife 83 Jan 7 2012