Pukiawe, Leptecophylla tameiameiae


Akia, Wikstroemia sp. (W. phillyreifolia?)

Hoya multiflora

Yellow-fronted Canary (Serinus mozambicus)

Sunset Over the Lava

Platycerium bifurcatum

Ocean View - View of Pakini Nui Wind Farm at South Point

Platycerium bifurcatum

Hawaii Sunrise

Tillandsia ionantha

Lamb's ear

Majidea zanguebarica

Mauna Loa Lava Flows from Early 1900s, Near Hawaiian Ocean View, Hawaii

Vanilla planifolia


Mauna Loa Lava Flows from Early 1900s, Near Hawaiian Ocean View, Hawaii

#8680 sign at Ocean View lookout: Plant regrowth on new lava

Mauna Loa Lava Flows from Early 1900s, Near Hawaiian Ocean View, Hawaii

View on South point, Big Island

Pachira aquatica

2008-07-04 at 08-11-35

Campsite Milky Way

Fields near Southpoint

Green Sand Beach @ Big Island, Hawaii

Road to da sea.

Ominious skies and heavy surf at South Point


Lava Flow of 188

We Trusted The Locals And Took The Bumpy Ride To The Green San Beach - Best Choice Yet!

hole in the heavens

South Point Hawaii

South Point Hawaii

Ka Lae - Hawai'i

Eleven & One Thrid

"The meadow: green in spring, gold in summer, brown in fall, white in winter, everlasting, ever-changing"


