The Front Grounds As You Enter or Exit The Front of the Wesley Mansion (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Quiet Path (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Tucker Bayou, Florida

Tucker Bayou, Florida

Eden view as you pull into park

Eden view using 50mm Pano

Eden view just pass home

View from grounds

osprey on a branch

Moss-Draped Live Oaks (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Wesley House (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Paradise (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Reflection Pool (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Sunset at the bay house

Sunset at the bay house

Mansion Grounds (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Sunset at the bay house

Tucker Bayou (Series - Eden, Florida State Park)

Stormy day on the docks

Eden Gardens State Park, Florida

Eden Gardens State Park - Oak Tree

Storm brewing on the bay

Jetty on Tucker Bayou