How do you rate the morning sun....after a long and sleepless night?

------------------ Sur la Route du Blé en Beauce ----------------

Sunset over harvested wheat

Bouville (Eure-et-Loir)

Bouville (Eure-et-Loir)

Wheat and farmhouse



-------------- Solitude en Beauce -----------------

Harvested wheat and sky

Early morning light and water tower

Sunset over corn

2013-08-01 16.28.24-1

Rural scene

Ciel de grain au printemps

Saint-Christophe (Eure-et-Loir)

" Rien à l'horizon " ...

Pre St Martin Fields 13

Pre St Martin Fields 08

Randonnée du Jour de l'an 2013 - Vers la Thironne, Nouvet (28)

Pre St Martin Fields 07

Entre Beauce et Perche