Neighborhood Creek

Heron Preening

Profile of Crystal Kiss

A Bug's View

2nd platform-mist @ Dukes-Creek-falls


Rustin' Away

Red Bird sitting high..

Curiouser and curiouser.

Lets Hide in Love

Simply Me{faded}

Dukes Creek Falls-Kennisaw Georgia-2nd platform

Secluded Barn- Silver Comet Path View

Hiked up Kennesaw Mountain with the kids today. Kicked my butt. Great workout and the weather and views were perfect.

A View from Kennesaw Mountain

From One End to Another End

A Bug's View

N1178T- Beechcraft Bonanza BE36 / A36

Hiked up Kennesaw Mountain with the kids today. Kicked my butt. Great workout and the weather and views were perfect.

1957 Corvette Dash View

Hiked up Kennesaw Mountain with the kids today. Kicked my butt. Great workout and the weather and views were perfect.

Kennesaw Mtn. Battlefield

This Was Home

Caddies Migrating to Warmer Waters

Faint Double Rainbow

Kennesaw Trenches

Just around the bend

Lost mountain tree

August 2012 - 21

it's peace

Kaleidoscopic Battlefields

Cool running

Kennesaw Trail

Sunrise from Kennesaw Mountain, GA

Kennesaw Mountain Trail

What a beautiful shot. My Dad took amazing "amateur" photographs. #hawaii #beauty #photography #ggg #island

The Woods

1481 Station 6 Img_10280


Lonely tree.