Hushed amongst the ferns

The Boardwalk


Early Evening Greens

I Like To Color

Hole 17 HDR

Penrose Point

An Early Afternoon at Central Meadow

Lophodytes cucullatus ♂ (Hooded Merganser)

Twin Barns - Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge

Olympic Moutains as seen from DuPont, WA

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Mt Rainier from Penrose Point Pano

Portland Passengers

Hawk in Flight Pano

South Puget Sound Scenery

Decaying Beauty

IMG_4304 Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis


Views from above.

Taking In The View From Hole 17

Foggy Forest

Shadows of the Evening Steal Across the Sky

Scottish Style Links In September

Chambers Bay Treetop #3

Moody Chambers Bay

Joemma Pier

Summer of Matt

Nap Time

Crane at Work #1b

Chambers creek Walker

2013-07-07 18.52.32

Mt. Rainier From Nisqually

#rain #thunderstorm #washington the calm before the storm; #hail is expected tonight

2013-07-07 18.52.24

Nisqually Barns

Twin Barns from Boardwalk

Happy Mono Sunday!

Beautiful Day

low tide