Find the joy within you...

The Last of the Wilds.

Psychic Gibbon

Cody's Shoes

Standing Out

Rear View Strong Porter House

Jonathans Club Car Cafe

Big Boy

The Murray Building, Willimantic, CT

2012 NEYHA Ice Dogs Jerry Dunnack Invitational

Holding the Main

2-1 (Re-edited)

Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk

Enjoying the view

franklin tanker 125 (view 3)

"In my head I heard them play a song for you and me."

The Asphyxiation of One's Soul

Matthew Koma - Sparks

franklin engine tank 225 (view 2)

Leafy Green Fetish...

Student Center

Goodwin State Park | Hampton, CT

Early morning twilight


Salt Rock State Park (Sprague, Connecticut)

A Spring Sunrise

Willimantic River

Long shadows

Willimantic, Connecticut

Into the wild

Airline Trail (Hampton, Connecticut)

Photo Oct 22, 10 28 38 AM (1)

The Simple Things


Cloud castle

Evening Glow

The Edge of the Pond



