Find the joy within you...

Atrium Light

Holding the Main

The Asphyxiation of One's Soul

Rear View Strong Porter House

2-1 (Re-edited)

Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk

Psychic Gibbon

Standing Out

The Essence. [Solinda]

"In my head I heard them play a song for you and me."

61/365 3-2-11 Horse Barn Hill

Student Center

Visine Needed

Leafy Green Fetish...


Serenade No. 13 in G Major.



The Simple Things

franklin rescue 125 (view 2)

Goodwin State Park | Hampton, CT

Cloud castle

Reflecting on Heaven

Goodwin State Park | Hampton, CT

Goodwin State Park | Hampton, CT

A Spring Sunrise


FXCD0003 (2)

FXCD0010 (2)

So high up!

Swamp Brook Whirlpool


Holbrook Pond, Hebron, CT

Fall Color Walk, 2014

FXCD0014 (2)

FXCD0015 (2)

Shetucket Causeway

Into the Woods

FXCD0017 (2)

FXCD0009 (2)

Photo 10-22-18, 10 24 16